We Found Proof That Baking Your Bacon Is Better Than Pan-Frying It!

We Found Proof That Baking Your Bacon Is Better Than Pan-Frying It!

Most of us have gotten so used to frying our bacon that we don't even consider a new way to cook it. However baking bacon instead of frying it can have many benefits ranging from being able to cook a lot of it to not having it watch it. Once you learn about all these benefits, you will be trying in your frying pan for the oven the next time you have a craving for delicious bacon.

The Reasons You Should Be Baking Your Bacon Instead Of Frying It Include:

* You can cook a pound or more of bacon in one fell swoop.

* A little bit of space between each strip allows the heat to circulate evenly, ensuring crispy bacon.

* Put it in the oven, set the timer, and go slump on the couch for 15 minutes.

* Scramble your eggs, you now have the burner space.

* You can achieve perfectly flat pieces of fatty pork this way.

* You can save bacon fat. Set cooling rack in a sheet pan, collect juices, you can tip whole pan, pouring fat from one spout-like corner into a jar.


These reasons why baking bacon is better than frying it, may make you never want to fry it ever again. Did you know why baking bacon is better?

Let Us Know What You Think!

Article Source: Yahoo!




  1. Kimberly Jenkins
    Kimberly Jenkins June 03, 00:04

    The only way I cook bacon. Comes out beautiful.

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  2. Sean Ritchie
    Sean Ritchie June 03, 00:10

    What temp? I have tried a few times and falls apart

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  3. Pat Gartin
    Pat Gartin June 03, 00:25

    Only way to cook bacon. It’s also a lot neater.

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  4. Emilie Miller
    Emilie Miller June 03, 00:26

    What temperre to you set the oven?

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  5. Toni Sturgill
    Toni Sturgill June 03, 00:57

    Only way I make bacon now. No grease popping on you and definately has a different taste. Melts in your mouth. I usually set my oven at 400 for 25-30 and keep checking out. I spray my foil with cooking spray before I put the bacon down. Keeps it from sticking to foil.

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  6. Steve Rogers
    Steve Rogers June 03, 01:08

    Well your article SUCKS, doesn’t say what temp nor how long, all your article was is an opinion, so in my opinion your article SUCKS!!!

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  7. Donna Keep
    Donna Keep June 03, 01:09

    Tried this…Mine burned in the middle and was not done on the ends!!

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  8. Jimmie Bennett
    Jimmie Bennett June 03, 02:12

    Oh hell yes! It is the only way to cook bacon properly….. bake it!

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  9. Jimmie Bennett
    Jimmie Bennett June 03, 02:13

    Make sure you start with a cold oven when you put in your bacon. I use 375 degrees for 15 mins, then check it.

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  10. Donna Keep
    Donna Keep June 03, 02:14

    Thank you! Will try that….

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  11. Danita Despars Bistline
    Danita Despars Bistline June 03, 07:48

    I cook mine in oven at 350 for 25-30 minutes. Perfect every time!

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  12. Beatrice Okker
    Beatrice Okker June 03, 10:30

    inthe restaurant we just throw it in the deep fryer and its done in no time. never baked it before i guess i have to try it

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  13. Barbara Scott-Walton
    Barbara Scott-Walton June 03, 13:43

    Thats how I cook mine

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  14. Mary Pack
    Mary Pack June 03, 13:48

    I always bake the bacon, turns out so much better and stays flat

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  15. Sonja Gilbertsen
    Sonja Gilbertsen June 03, 16:42

    I put my in a cold oven on parchment paper and set oven to 400. I have never had a problem. Yummy!

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  16. Zeddie Shuppert
    Zeddie Shuppert June 03, 21:49

    Oven does work for cooking bacon.

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  17. Tori Schaefer
    Tori Schaefer June 07, 10:31

    There are baking instructions on the package too.

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