If We Could Only Use One Kind of Frosting, It Would Be This One!
There are seemingly endless options when it comes to buttercream frosting, including French and Italian, and our favorite, American. We always thought of it as just plain old buttercream, but we recently learned that it's its own special version. It's much simpler and more streamlined than the other versions, but it's definitely no less delicious!
That's one reason we use it for pretty much everything. It's nice and smooth, and also loaded with flavor, plus it's versatile enough to go well with any type of cake and any type of confection, from mini cupcakes to an elegant multi-layer cake. For even more versatility, add some extra flavoring such as caramel or cookies and cream. Yum!
To learn how to make this rich and creamy American buttercream frosting at home, please continue to Page (2) for the full list of ingredients and complete instructions.
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