The Untold Horror Stories Of Pizza Delivery Drivers… Some Of These Are Hilarious!

The Untold Horror Stories Of Pizza Delivery Drivers… Some Of These Are Hilarious!

If You Have Ordered A Lot Of Pizza, You May Get A Few Laughs Out Of These Horror Stories From Pizza Delivery Drivers!

We have all had pizza delivered to us probably a time or two. We never know if the driver is going to be new, if they are going to young, old, friendly, or just down right grumpy or rude.

Answering the door for the pizza can be nerve wracking but just think how the people deliver your pizza feel, they never know what is going to be on the other side of that door either. They may get a person that answers the door with no clothes or to a stripper or even to their parents. Some of their stories are funny and others are down right horrifying.

Seriously, after reading all of these personal stories of Pizza Delivery drivers we kinda felt sorry for some of them. The next time you order a pizza you might want to tip a little bit more; these guys go through a lot.

To Read More About What Some Pizza Delivery Drivers Have Had To Experience Please Head On Over To The Next Page Where We Will Tell You All The Shocking Details…

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  1. Jon Stanton
    Jon Stanton June 12, 04:50

    I’ve got a few stories about pizza delivery.
    We had a big order 6 pies, 2-3 six packs of beer, some Kools.
    My best friend was a landing ahead of me…. 3 story apt building Southside Chicago….. All of a sudden he tried throwing up his hands… A voice yelled down to me to keep coming up the stairs. The guy had a gun…. He said he wanted to make sure we weren’t “The Man”
    Naked women everywhere …. Turned out he was Jeff Foort the founder of the Blackstone Rangers…. Violent street gang…, who happened to be on the run from the FBI. He invited us to “enjoy” the ladies… We told him we had more deliveries…. He swore us to secrecy about seeing him…

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  2. Best recipes daily
    Best recipes daily June 17, 21:17

    This recipe is awsome 😀

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