Every Cook Should Have This Trick In Their Culinary Repertoire!
We're always looking for ways to increase our efficiency in the kitchen, and that includes speeding up processes that might normally take several hours (or even days!). That's why we were so eager to try out this quick and easy method for making pickled onions.
All it takes is 15 minutes and a little red wine vinegar and voila! Tangy and tasty pickled onions!
These pickled onions are the perfect addition to everything from sandwiches to salads, and since they only take 15 minutes they're perfect even for when there's not much time.
Plus, it's perfectly OK to leave them marinating for a couple of hours, so it's not crucial to be precise. Just leave them until it's time to prepare the rest of the food.
We're addicted to these flavorful pickled onions and just love putting them on anything we can think of.
To learn The Quick & Easy Way To Make Pickled Onions Please Continue To The Next Page For The Complete Instructions…
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