Is It Safe To Put Hot Food Directly In The Fridge? What We Discovered May Surprise You!

Is It Safe To Put Hot Food Directly In The Fridge? What We Discovered May Surprise You!

If You Have Ever Wondered Whether Or Not You Should Put Hot Food You Just Cooked In The Fridge, Now We Have The Answer!

Remember the last time that you made a big meal and you had some leftovers that were still piping hot from the stove? Well, back in the day people would scream at you to put it in the fridge right away but others would tell you to leave it out to cool first so it wont go bad.

So What In The World Are You Supposed To Do!
Leave It Out Or Put It In?

This has seemed like an endless debate for cooks around the world. However, we just came across an expert who finally gives us all the details on what is right and what is wrong with hot food.

Once you find out you'll finally know the answer; to be honest we were pretty shocked ourselves when we found out.

To Find Out The Answer To Whether Or Not You Should Really Put Your Hot Food Directly Into The Fridge,  Please Head On Over To The Next Page Where We Will Tell You What We Found Out…

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  1. Betty Gaskins
    Betty Gaskins August 01, 19:05

    I always let my hot food warm down to at least room temperature.. For spoilage of milk, eggs, or any other dairy products.

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  2. Patricia Fuselier
    Patricia Fuselier August 01, 21:23

    I always let cool first! Put it in the fridge when it reaches room temperature…Common sense, duh!

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  3. Mary Jean Cassese Brown
    Mary Jean Cassese Brown August 02, 00:13

    I usually wait at least 20 minutes before putting my hot left overs to make sure it is at least a little cooled of.

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  4. Jean Brooks
    Jean Brooks August 02, 04:19

    I freeze coke bottles of water and put them in the hot food to cool it down. Lost a whole batch of gumbo one time because I didn’t know to do that.

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  5. Penny Hearell
    Penny Hearell August 03, 17:00

    I have been cooking for many, many years and have always put leftovers in the refrigerator before they’ve cooled down and I am almost 70 years old, so it sure hasn’t hurt me!!!!!!!!

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  6. Theresa Sweeney
    Theresa Sweeney August 04, 01:26

    Bring it to room temperature first

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  7. Benjamin Crow
    Benjamin Crow August 04, 23:13

    I do it all the time with absolutely no negative consequences?

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  8. Shari Alley Kousgaard
    Shari Alley Kousgaard August 05, 15:46

    I have never worried about putting hot food in the fridge. Been cooking for myself & family for 47 years! You want food to chill as quickly as possible to prevent bacteria growth. What better way than to refrigerate? And if your fridge can’t keep everything else cool you need a new fridge. Just don’t set it next to a carton of milk for Pete’s sake! Common sense!

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  9. Jim Barry
    Jim Barry August 05, 23:15


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  10. Mark Nicholson
    Mark Nicholson August 06, 01:14

    That’s bs!. Food should be put into shallow containers and placed directly in the refrigerator. It needs to cool to below 40 degrees f within 4 hours in order to retard bacterial growth.

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  11. Mark Nicholson
    Mark Nicholson August 06, 01:16

    Food has to be cooled to 40 degrees or below within 4 hours to avoid bacterial growth. That’s first year culinary knowledge. 25 years as a chef.

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  12. Mark Nicholson
    Mark Nicholson August 06, 01:18

    Let’s see. 70+degrees room temperature or 40 degrees fridge. Where is it going to cool faster?!?!?!

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  13. Mark Nicholson
    Mark Nicholson August 06, 01:19

    Been a chef for 25 years and have taken the servsafe class numerous times, recheck your source.

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  14. Jennifer Kamano
    Jennifer Kamano August 06, 02:10

    Mark Nicholson I just took a safeserv course and that is what we learned. Also we are to use a ice water bath to cool stuff down before you refrigerate it. Supposed to get it down to 70, but I go lower. I attend Escoffier culinary arts classes. Where did you go?

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  15. Jennifer Kamano
    Jennifer Kamano August 06, 02:11

    Mark Nicholson yes to shallow container.

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  16. Sherry Tata Sarandrea
    Sherry Tata Sarandrea August 06, 14:51

    Mark, I have taken several serve safe classes as well. What I posted is what I ‘ve learned and used in my position in supervising in a retirement community. Since the elderly are more prone to health issues, we were extremely careful with food handling, cooling,reheating etc. Shallow containers weren’t really an option since we fed a regular restaurant, a health care facility, and an assisted living unit. No room for them.

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  17. Mark Nicholson
    Mark Nicholson August 06, 15:04

    @jennifer, I attended Delgado Community College in New Orleans. Sherry Tata Sarandrea, I too work for an assisted living facility and I feel your pain lol. I didn’t add that ice baths work wonders also as someone above pointed out.

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  18. Jean Brooks
    Jean Brooks August 06, 15:55

    I think the danger comes from putting large batches of soup or gumbo in the refrigerator . Need to cool it down with ice cubes or something because the middle stays hot and will spoil. It’s okay to put small portions in there while hot, but not large amounts.

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  19. Barry Daniels
    Barry Daniels August 06, 19:17

    Yes and no.A big pot of soup or marinara will not get down to temp in 4hrs.the center will remain in the TDZ.other foods will cool,like thin chicken breast,pork chips etc.

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  20. Joseph Richert
    Joseph Richert August 06, 20:49

    True, but leaving it sit out at room temp wont get it thru the TDZ any quicker. You have to break it into smaller batches preferable only 2 or 3 inches in depth to cool faster and safer

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  21. Sabina Kelly
    Sabina Kelly August 06, 23:00

    Don’t always like the condensation that develops!

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  22. Barry Daniels
    Barry Daniels August 07, 11:46

    Our prep guys maintain cooling logs.will spread out large portions on sheet pans and toss them on a rack,into the walk in.gets us through the TDZ in a timely manner.

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  23. Joseph Richert
    Joseph Richert August 07, 14:15

    We do that as well. And we also have frozen ice paddles to put into sauce as well to help bring down temp.

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  24. Barry Daniels
    Barry Daniels August 07, 16:13 for the experienced,like us,we can put hot into the fridge properly.

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  25. Joseph Richert
    Joseph Richert August 07, 16:15

    Yep! But its those inexperienced jokers that will mess it up. Gotta train and coach them to get where we are

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  26. John Gleason
    John Gleason August 08, 03:43

    No u got to let it cool down – u could get very very sick or die

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  27. Frank Sokolowski
    Frank Sokolowski August 08, 21:28

    you must have failed it home schooler.

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  28. Jennifer Kamano
    Jennifer Kamano August 08, 21:34

    Frank Sokolowski nope and what’s with the home schooler comment? Are you jealous, or do you not think you can learn it online? I also took it at a community college. You can transfer it to a shallow pan, but you have to get it down to 70 degrees within two hours. An ice bath helps get it there quicker, and I usually get it down further than that before sticking it in the refrigerator.

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  29. Diane Cross Perry
    Diane Cross Perry August 08, 21:37

    You can just don’t cover it.

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  30. Laura Dixon
    Laura Dixon August 08, 22:54

    Absolutely not….

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  31. Linda Wilson
    Linda Wilson August 09, 03:32

    I put hot good in fridge or freezer, in batch up to one quart container. I have glass shelves so use a pot holder underneath. But I also ate some raw cookie dough today, so what do I know!

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  32. Clarence Woolford
    Clarence Woolford August 09, 12:17

    I always heard it causes bacteria to grow in your food if you put it in the fridge hot.

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  33. Edward G Schiller
    Edward G Schiller December 13, 00:06

    That’s what I thought.

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  34. Christine Robinson
    Christine Robinson December 13, 00:16

    I always do. Believe it cools down faster than leaving it out.

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  35. Michael Boon
    Michael Boon December 13, 00:58

    It’s not that you will over heat the refrigerator but putting hot food in it can cause the return air ducting to ice up blocking the cold air from freezer to the refrigerator section I saw this all the time when I worked fixing refrigerators

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  36. Joyce Jones
    Joyce Jones December 13, 03:18

    I always wait until the food has cooled down then put it in fridge.

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  37. Cathy Peterson
    Cathy Peterson December 13, 16:57

    I do it all the time. I place a kitchen towel under the warm food container just so it won’t break the glass shelf. But it’s fine ..has never caused a problem.

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  38. Mary Price
    Mary Price December 19, 01:52

    If putting hot food in fregertor

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  39. David Romick
    David Romick December 29, 13:01

    You needed an expert to tell you this?

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  40. Roberta Durbin
    Roberta Durbin January 08, 15:27

    I learned this many years ago in culinary school! Have never had a problem! Thank you for posting this!

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  41. Linda Bradley
    Linda Bradley February 11, 02:03

    So if you can’t put it on glass shelves, where you going to put it?

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  42. Betty Johnson
    Betty Johnson February 11, 04:38

    No all good west cool b 4 putting cold place

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  43. Marie Bergen
    Marie Bergen July 23, 00:56

    Kaitlyn Friesen, Melissa Bergen

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