If You Are Refrigerating These Foods Then You Need To Stop Immediately!

If You Are Refrigerating These Foods Then You Need To Stop Immediately!

Many of us have been putting certain foods in the fridge for so long that it would almost feel wrong if we didn't do it now. However, these foods don't actually need to be chilled. In fact, if you leave them out of the fridge, they may actually taste better and last longer.

Once You Clean Out Your Fridge You Might Have Room For More Of Those Sweet Treats!

The Foods You Should Stop Refrigerating Now Include:

Hot sauce
Acidity is the key to hot sauce's durability, a quality that can dull when left in the fridge.

Maple syrup
Real maple syrup will turn gritty and congeal when submitted to cold.

Apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, cherries
Pitted and stone fruits actually keep better at room temperature where the chilly air can't make their sensitive internal structures mushy.

Citrus fruits
They have tough skins for a reason — so they could withstand the harsh, warm world.

The Fridge can drain tomatoes of flavor and mess with their texture.

Coffee beans, grounds become dry, flavorless when chilled.

Low temperatures cause honey to crystallize.

Jellies and jams are made to last in the fridge or out.

Time in the fridge will drain the fruit of all its good flavor and texture. A halved avocado, however, could benefit from being stored in the fridge.

Cold air causes bananas to brown and bruise faster.

Are You Shocked That When You Refrigerate Oranges It Can Ruin The Flavor, What About Jam? I Always Thought You Needed To Have That Chilled!

For The Rest Of The Foods That You Don't Need To Refrigerate Please Head On Over To The Last Page – We Have Some More Shocking Food Items You Need To Store In Your Cabinet…

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  1. Harriet Marcus
    Harriet Marcus May 30, 16:16

    I won’t stop putting mine in the frig except for tomatoes.

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  2. Trish Belton Ford
    Trish Belton Ford May 31, 16:45

    Keeping raw meat, poultry, fish or seafood on the top shelf of the fridge is dangerous. Always keep it on the bottom level and I always leave it in a bag or sit on a plate

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  3. Jim Bruns
    Jim Bruns June 04, 16:05

    Worth a look. I wish more people understood this.

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  4. BJ Frazier
    BJ Frazier June 05, 15:06

    This is article is a crock. If you read the labels on quite a few of those bottled items, they say to refrigerate after opening! I buy almost still green banana, put in my frig & a week later they are just right! Honey jars also say Not to refrigerate!

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