Life gets hectic. Between work, family, friends there are days when things just get lost in the shuffle.
Today was one of those days.
I had planned a meal for myself and some friends when I got home from work and realized that I had forgotten to take the meat out of the freezer before I left for work. Needless to say, panic set in and I found myself contemplating the various takeout options within a 5-mile radius.
There is some good news. We know how important it is in those moments to have a plan and we have one for you. We have compiled information on the next page that will not only defrost your meat with a quickness but also allow it to maintain the flavor and texture that you would expect from a great meal. Now there is no need to struggle through take out menus and you can once again be the recipient of everyone's praise for a meal well cooked.
Becky Moffett
Hers how, don’t EVER FREEZE STEAK!!!