How To Get More Dip On your Chip Without Looking Like A Pig Or Double Dipping!

How To Get More Dip On your Chip Without Looking Like A Pig Or Double Dipping!

Chips and dip go together like peanut butter and jelly. You just can't have one without the other. That is why we can't get enough dip on our chips we become frustrated.

The Incredible Trick For Getting Enough Dip On Each Chip Works By:

It's pretty much self-explanatory but hey, let's walk through it together anyway. First you take a chip. Next, cover one side of that chip in the dip of your choice. It's probably best to use some sort of utensil in your quest to spread the dip evenly across the chip; if double dipping is taboo, then fondling the public dip with your fingers in an attempt to cover your chip will probably get some side eye, too. Once your first chip is covered, place another on top. Now not only are you getting dip in every bite, but you're guaranteed to have enough chip as well.

Now You Can Enjoy Your Chips With Plenty Of Dip!

This trick for getting the perfect amount of dip on each chip is sure to make you want to enjoy chips and dip as often as you can. Have you tried this chips and dip trick yet?

Let Us Know How It Worked Out For You!

Article Source: Delish


  1. Rita Casterline
    Rita Casterline August 09, 23:09

    The dip looks yummy, too bad no recipe 🙁

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  2. Vinecia Sanford
    Vinecia Sanford August 14, 03:06

    I need 30 people that want to make some money to go to this link and set up an account:

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  3. Cindy Evenson
    Cindy Evenson November 26, 17:10

    Couldn’t find the recipe

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