Cleaning A Cheese Grater Can Be Messy & Time-Consuming…But This One Little Trick Changes Everything!

Cleaning A Cheese Grater Can Be Messy & Time-Consuming…But This One Little Trick Changes Everything!

Getting that cheese grater clean is as simply as using a pastry brush on it, according to Good Housekeeping. That's right, a pastry brush!

Check This Out… 

To dislodge cheesy stage-five clingers on that grater, just run the bristles of a dry brush back and forth along the tool. This works best when the cheese is dry, but if you use your grater on a stickier food, like garlic, you might want to give it a soak first.

In the absence of a pastry brush, just substitute a dish or vegetable scrubbing brush. Now that we know this trick, we serve pasta every chance we get just so we have an excuse to grate some fresh and delicious parmesan cheese. Yum!

Article Source: Good Housekeeping


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